Music Ministry
Our sound team works in the spirit of setting the atmosphere. Their sole purpose is to usher in the Holy Spirit and set ground for yokes to be broken and people to be freed from bondage. The sound team also ensures that the microphones, speakers and any other devices of sound are set and working before the start of service. If anyone feels that they are being lead to join this wonderful team please send an email to with the subject line of “Sound Team Inquiry”
True Vine’s choir is all about ensuring the spirit is ushered in to break yokes and bondage. Our choir director is passionate about what he does because his past in music was worldly, but he feels God was preparing him for a moment such as this even then. He thanks God for gifting him to be able to use what the devil thought he could use for bad to bring people into the Kingdom. Our choir’s main purpose is to engage the congregation in a personal and profound worship experience. If anyone feels that they are being lead to join this wonderful team please send an email to with the subject line of “Choir Inquiry”
Practice is also held every Thursday at 6 PM CST. Come out and worship the Lord through song.
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